Section 8
Section 8 of the LBA was formed in Evanston, Illinois, on February 23rd, 1902. Now based in Morton Grove, Illinois, Section 8 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every March, May, September, and November at the Morton Grove American Legion Civic Center, 6144 W. Dempster St., Morton Grove, IL. 60070 (2nd floor conference room).
Please contact Section 8’s Recording Secretary Dave Hoffmann at [email protected] for more information about joining this section.
List of Officers
President……………………………….………..Lauri Grzelak
Vice President………………………….….…..Bruce Hoffmann
Financial Secretary………………….….……Earl Arndt
Treasurer……………………..….………………Jim Stoneberg, Sr.
Recording Secretary………….……………..David Hoffmann
Marshal……………………..……………….….. Richard Hoffmann, Sr.
Grand Lodge Representative……………Judy McKay
Trustee…………………………..………..………Judy McKay
Trustee………………………..……………..……Gary Grzelak